dog mom talk

Dog Mom Talk: Behind the Scenes with Lindsey & Coco

This week’s Dog Mom Talk features a super creative fellow blogger who was part of an important panel at The Pet Summit this past week-end on Diversity and Inclusion in the Pet Industry. She also shared her tips and tricks in her pre-recorded class Mastering Instagram Stories: Aesthetic and Design! (PS if you missed it, you can still buy tickets here!)

This dog mom to two cutie fur babies, Coco the Chihuahua and Paris the Yorkie, is none other than Lindsey of Lindsey and Coco! You’ve probably seen her eye-catching stories on Instagram or jammed to some of the ‘80s music featured in her reels—if you haven’t, you should probably go check that out right now and give her a follow (@lindseyandcoco)

Her blog, Lindsey and Coco, is both beautiful and empowering to fellow dog moms. Not only does she have tips for taking care of your dog, but she also has tips for taking care of yourselves, dog moms, which as we all know, can sometimes take a backseat when you’re up all night with a new puppy!

This week’s Dog Mom Talk goes behind the scenes with stylish dog mom blogger, Lindsey, as she offers helpful tips to new dog moms and shares what it’s like to be a new blogger.

Let’s have a dog mom talk!

If you are ready for a fair amount of fun balanced with some dog mom shortcuts to fast track your personal growth and all around dog mom goddess factor, then you are in the right place.” -Lindsey & Coco

Check out Lindsey and Coco’s blog here:
Follow them on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!

dog mom talk
henry the smol

“The best advice I received as a dog mom was from my grandmother. She told me the dog didn’t need any training; I did.” – Lindsey

Why did you choose these dog breeds in particular?

So Coco is my very first dog.  He’ll be fifteen this month (October).  Since him, I’ve had 2 other dogs, but I went for a Chihuahua as my first dog because I was so nervous. I knew that Chihuahuas are super smart, have a bunch of energy and attitude. But I was most concerned with starting out small as I entered dog mommyhood—and you cannot get much smaller than a Chihuahua. I’ve since had a Pitbull named Mu who was the sweetest dog ever and then Paris, the Yorkie, recently came to me from my brother as a little buncha bunch needing a home.

What were the first few days like as a new dog mom?

The first few days with Coco were a hot mess! lol Fortunately, I was unemployed at the time, so I was able to stay home with him all day for several weeks.  But while I had read all the books and blogs, I did NOT know what I was doing. To this day I still remember taking super short showers because he would sit outside the shower stall and cry the entire time I was showering.  And how he would yodel howl all night long. LOL I ended up calling my grandmother for reinforcements. She had raised dogs for decades and with her help I got it together. But it was really comical for the first week or so.

What is the best advice you received as a dog mom?

The best advice I received as a dog mom was from my grandmother. She told me the dog didn’t need any training; I did. After being a dog mom for awhile, I finally understood what she meant: I needed to learn to speak the language of my dog(s) and I needed to be consistent.  Once I did that, life was easy and incorporating new dogs into my family was a snap.

dog mom talk
dog mom talk

What is the inspiration behind your content? Where does the creativity come from? 

Lindsey & Coco Dog Mom Blog was inspired by my two little loves: Coco and Paris. But in addition to that, I wanted to incorporate my love of all things style with practical dog mom advice. I don’t think just because my L&C Crew and I have decided to live our lives covered in dog hair glitter, that we have to compromise on our glam. So, I decided I wanted to marry practical dog mom advice with our love of everything chic.

Outside of being inspired by my fur babies, my biggest sources of inspiration are style magazines, the big fashion houses and the 80’s. My overall goal is to turn Lindsey & Coco into a dog mom lifestyle blog with the glam of a digital style magazine and the glam of the fashion industry.

Do you ever feel pressure to post? How do you cope with this?

Since I am still very new to the blogging industry, I know that consistency is the biggest factor in success. So yes, I feel pressure to post daily. However, after deciding to stop trying to mimic other bloggers and influencers and just be myself, I no longer get posting block brain.  

One of the ways I help myself to not run out of ideas is to focus more on my blog than my IG.  By focusing on producing quality content for the 3 dog mom lifestyle blogs I house on my website, STYLE, BARK and BABE, posting on IG daily comes more effortlessly.

What do you prefer: pictures or video? What do you use to take pictures: phone or camera?

Funny enough, I am a pet blogger who HATES to be photographed or filmed. But being on film is like a nightmare come true. LOL Which is really hilarious. But if I must produce content, I’d rather it be a photo. This is one of the reasons why I choose IG as my platform of choice instead of YouTube because the thought of being on film all the time is just too much at the moment.  But I am trying to get more comfortable with filming since it may become more of my path in the future as I expand Lindsey & Coco.

At the moment, I do all filming, photography and editing on my iPhone.  I’m not really sure why, since I have a Mac and an iPad; but I guess for now that is where I am most comfortable.  I also get inspired at weird times and locations and I always have my phone with me.

What do you love most about the online dog community?

What I love most about the online dog community is how friendly and supportive everyone is.  I have been a part of this amazing community for barely 4 months and have been welcomed with open arms.  And this is something that I was truly not expecting.  I mean I always knew dog people are awesome, but the friendship, love and support I’ve received here has just been outstanding.

Big thank you to Lindsey for joining us as our first guest on this all new Dog Mom Talk blog interview series! It was a pleasure to get to know you better! Check out her awesome dog mom blog here:


Did you catch last week’s Dog Mom Talk? I introduced this new series and shared a little more about me, Cara a.k.a. Henry’s mom. You can read it here.

Find out who will be the next guest on Dog Mom Talk, next week! Subscribe to our newsletter below to be the first to know.


  1. Great interview and blog! I TOTALLY GET THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND DOG LANGUAGE AS WELL AS BEING CONSISTENT! as much as dogs can elicit a ton of warm emotions from humans, it is so important to establish a relationship with dogs FIRST AMD FOREMOST from an understanding of canine bEhaviour!

  2. I follow this account on IG! I love it, her posts are always super fun! I don’t even have a dog, I’ve been thinking about getting one for a while – so I appreciate that she also posts style and self care tips too. Plus her stories always have fun music.

  3. Yes!! Me too! I love it. We may be dog moms, but doesn’t mean we have to forget about taking care of ourselves. I can’t wait to see Lindsey and Coco’s blog evolve!


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