The Best Dog Brands for Stylish Dog Moms

“Who are all those cute accessories really for, right?”

maxbone dog carrier
saint rue city mini

There are several dog brands out there making very similar products. When you’re looking for something cute to spoil your dog, where do you go? Well, I think the following particularly stylish dog brands set themselves apart from the pack. 

I don’t know about you, but when I’m shopping for my dog, I’m considering accessories that are both fashionable and functional. I want the dog brands I shop from to have products that will seemingless fit my lifestyle and look cute with my outfits too. They should also be practical, durable and of course, safe.

Whether you’re shopping for a friend or for yourself—with love from me to me—I’ve put together a list, in no particular order, of dog brands that check all those boxes! From dog accessories to dog-friendly home décor, I am forever scrolling through their Instagram feeds and pinning their products to Henry’s Pinterest boards. There are of course TONS more, but for the purposes of this post, I’ve narrowed it down to 10 dog brands.

Side note: if you’re a newer puppy parent, I wouldn’t recommend splurging just yet, as your puppy grows SO fast and/or will destroy beautiful things very easily! To satisfy the shopping itch you probably now have from clicking on this post, however, I put together a Canadian and an American Amazon shop with everything we got puppy Henry and lots of other ideas! You’re welcome.

If you’re looking for discount codes, you can check out this shop section of the blog!

Henry The Smol

My Dog Dresses Better Than I Do

I am always on a search for new dog brands and products, so if you have some fun recommendations, please link them in the comments below. Would love to hear your suggestions!

And Yes, Henry is a brand rep for a few of the dog brands below, but I would never represent a business I don’t stand behind 100%. As for the rest, these are dog brands I enjoy following online or have previously purchased from.

Disclosure: Please keep in mind that some of the links included in this blog post are affiliate links and if you go through them to buy something, I will earn a commission. I link companies and their products because in my opinion, they’re good quality. The decision to purchase something is completely and totally up to you.

Happy Shopping!!!


Of course, my all-time fave small dog-biz is Cavology! I did all my shopping for Henry even before he came home. I am completely obsessed with this dog brand: their rope leashes in every single color you can possibly imagine—and ombré!

Their most recent collections are called “The Basics” and they have everything you could ever need in terms of accessories. The perfect new-dog-parent-starter-pack comes in different patterns and colors.

Feeling fancy? Shop their Luxe collection of vegan leather leashes available in several gorgeous colors!


Henry is a proud ambassador for Cavology! You can get 10% off your purchase when you use code HENRY at checkout.

cavology rope leash
dog brands


My mom is the best mom: for my birthday, she got me the GORGEOUS Max-Bone City Carrier Bag! I’ve had my eye on this beauty for months now, and my collection has grown so much since. They define themselves as a luxury fashion lifestyle dog brand; every item is beautifully designed, timeless and in their words effortlessly elegant. 

In my opinion, dog brands everywhere should aspire to this. Maxbone is the real deal: their branding is solid, their marketing is poignant and their products are excellent quality. Enough said.

You can get 15% your Maxbone purchase with code HENRY

emilia harness and hazel leash


I have yet to purchase from the dog brand Hound, but I think everything they do is absolutely stunning. I really appreciate their Instagram aesthetic and how they showcase their products in every picture. Every time I see one of their posts, I save it for later. The only reason I haven’t bought anything yet is because I just can’t decide! I’m quite intrigued by their Waterproof Jellies collection, especially in the “Coast” color!

Saint Rue

My latest obsession. I’ve been eyeing this brand for awhile now because it’s just so gorgeous. Saint Rue was founded by Nikki, the creator behind WTFrenchie and She’s an all-around boss. I won the City Mini in a Gal’s Best Friend giveaway, and the quality of the product exceeded my expectations! Now, I just want everything.

Saint Rue is perfect for all the city dog mamas whose dog accessories double as their own.

You can get 10$ off your Saint Rue purchase with code HENRYTHESMOL.

Zozo’s Paw

I discovered this dog brand through an Instagram giveaway! I was tagged in their Dog Mom giveaway, and after scrolling through their feed and browsing their website, I entered as well! To my surprise, I won the giveaway and received a gift card to shop their products—I love gift cards, by the way, gives me the freedom of choice! I ended up getting the Orchard Breeze and Summer Wildflowers bandanas and the Chambray Dots dog collar and bowtie set.

It took a little while to receive due to COVID shipping delays, but these cute accessories were definitely worth the wait: gorgeous designs, so beautifully made! They look fabulous on Henry, and complement his wardrobe so well.


Henry just loves his BILLIEBONE treats! All of their delicious treats are handmade with organic ingredients, and no preservatives. Our order was personally delivered to us in the most adorable packaging! I love this local dog brand’s attention to detail. Not only do they carry delicious (now customizable!) healthy treats, but they also have super cute accessories.

Henry and I love our classic matching scrunchie and bandana set!

We’re so pleased that Henry represents this local small business. You can get 10% off your order with discount code HENRY.

dog brand
dog brand

Foggy Dog

I have heard only wonderful things about this San Francisco dog brand. They make so many different colorful accessories from bandanas to dog beds! I have so many of their products pinned to Henry’s boards. I’m especially a fan of their bone-shaped squeaky toys made from the same patterns as most of their dog apparel: everything can match!

Wild One

I find Wild One to have a very similar vibe to Max-Bone, but this dog brand’s product design is definitely more minimalist. I love their modern take on the classic dog toys. Their harnesses seem a little bulky, so probably not what I would gravitate towards for Henry, but their leashes are stunning. With so many color options, there’s something for everyone. They encourage you to purchase in bundles, or as they put it “kit up”, to save. I would do it!

Fun fact, Wild One is also available in “human” stores like Nordstrom, Anthropologie, Indigo and Target.

Get 10% off your first Wild One order

Fable Pets

Three letters: O-M-G. When a friend of mine showed me this dog brand’s Instagram account, my jaw literally dropped. Just genius! Have you seen their crate?! It’s a piece of furniture: it actually doubles as an end table! This thing is a condo. I shudder just looking at my current cage-like metal structure that’s suppose to be Henry’s safe haven. Everything just seems impeccably crafted. Of course, this is on the higher end of pet products and the pricing matches that, but seriously, Fable Pets is goals. I’m just sad they don’t ship to Canada!

Pretty Fluffy

The Dogmother of all dog blogs. Recently take over by new editors, Katy and Shell, this is the place to go for all the latest dog trends, product recommendations, you name it! 

Pretty Fluffy’s original creator, Serena Faber-Nelson, is the author of Dog Mama: 200 Tips, Trends, and How-To Secrets for Stylish Dog Owners.

I don’t know how else to say it: I WANT THIS. No, I need this! According to Modern Dog Magazine, it’s “the go-to bible for dog moms everywhere”. Everything Serena Faber-Nelson does is beautiful. I am completely obsessed with her website and blog: simply stunning! It’s all so clean and organized, and easy to find any resource you need. I just love it!

There you have it, my current top 10 favorite dog brands for the stylish dog mom (and dad!) What are some of your faves? I love hearing about your latest finds. Link your go-to dog brand in the comments below!

Discounts mentioned in this blog post:

Cavology: 10% off with code HENRY

Maxbone: 15% off with code HENRY

Saint Rue: 10$ off with code HENRYTHESMOL

BILLIEBONE: 10% off with code HENRY 

Scroll To Shop The Post!


  1. You’RE very welcome! GLAD YOU’RE ENJOYing YOUR BIRTHDAY GIFT!!!

  2. It’s the best! So beautiful, functional and Henry is so comfy in it!

  3. Such a Really helpful Info! that’s all i can say about your Posts. They are really so amazing article shared!

  4. Love the selection! Perfect picks for trendy dog moms looking for stylish and quality dog products. Great suggestions!


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